4 Signs Your Child Needs An Eye Exam

6 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Adults have no problem identifying when they sense their vision declining. Even adults who never previously had vision issues become aware of their declining eyesight as they grow older, which often leads to "reading" glasses. But, for children, it can be difficult for them to know what normal vision is and what is abnormal vision. Very young children may not even be able to articulate there is a problem. Here is a look at four signs that may indicate your child is having vision problems and should be seen for an eye exam.

Your Child Complains Of Frequent Headaches

Struggling to see can cause a lot of tension in the facial muscles, which can lead to frequent or even daily headaches. Their headache may gradually worsen as the day goes on and they struggle to read or see the chalkboard at school, resulting in eyestrain and headache by the time the school day is done.

Your Child Is Squinting

When someone has an uncorrected vision problem, squinting is the eye's ways of trying to correct the problem and focus the vision. In addition to squinting, you may see your child closing one eye or using their hand to cover one eye while they try to see out of the other. They may also tilt their head to achieve a similar result.

Your Child Struggles With Reading

If your child already knows how to read but has a difficult time reading out loud, doesn't understand what they read, and avoids reading unless forced to, it may be because they can't see the words on the page well enough. Obviously, the ability to read is an integral part of academia and can dramatically affect a child's success—or lack thereof— in school. Dyslexia and developmentally disabilities may also play a role in a child's poor reading skills, but it is imperative their vision be tested immediately when a reading problem occurs.

Your Child Has Poor Ball Handling Skills

Being able to catch a ball requires good manual dexterity as well as hand-eye coordination. But it also requires being able to see properly. Not only must the vision be clear for both far away and close up, the depth perception, or the ability to gauge how far away something is, must also be working. In some children, they have lazy eye muscles that make it difficult to coordinate their vision with their hands. An eye checkup can help rule out any problems.

For more information, reach out to your eye doctor to schedule an eye exam.